Monday, May 28, 2007


Were you aware of the abundance of free, high quality, often vulgar entertainment that exists online in the shape of a webcomic? I certainly was only vaguely aware of this phenomenon until recently. After reading my Calvin and Hobbes from cover to cover for the tenth time, I've decided I'm ready for a new relationship, so I started searching the web for interesting, free comics. To be honest, I didn't expect much, since the comics I did see up until that point weren't so hot, but boy did I find some pearls to make my day.
For those of you who've been missing the train of webcomics, like myself, I present here a list of my current favorites, just to get you started:

Cyanide and happiness
The Perry Bible Fellowship
Dueling Analogs

All of the above have RSS updates that lets me know whenever they update, I don't know how I lived before I knew what RSS was all about! But that's a topic for another post.

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